Asset Performance
Management System
The f2 Asset Performance Management System has been developed by infoHealth a UK based company in collaboration with NHS Trust Hospitals and is based on a customer focused development led approach.
f2 is a dynamic and innovative product which combines leading edge web technology (Microsoft ASP.NET / SQL Server) to cater for the operational demands of the NHS.
f2 is a robust database package that is both widely applicable to the Medical / Clinical Engineering fraternity but can also be adapted for the specific needs of individual NHS trusts. f2 adopts specific processes, such as Work Requests/Repairs, Scheduled Services/PPM, Equipment Library as well as tailored views of generic information such as location hierarchies will be in-built and effective.

Integrated f2 Core Functionality
Medical Device Register
Staff Training Administration
Work Requests
Reports (via MS SQL 2012
Maintenance Contracts
reporting Services/Report Builder)
Scheduled Services
Document Management
Stock Control
Equipment Library
Help Desk
System Audit
NHS Compatibility - Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) ex N3
Cyber Security Essentials
ICO - Information Commissioners Office - Data Protection
GDPR General Data Protection Regulations - EU
Sid4Gov - Single supplier registration portal
IG Toolkit - Information Governance & Standards
NHS Connecting for Health Information Governance Statement of Compliance migration process
NHS N3/HSCN Connectivity - The National Network registered
NHS Electronic Staff Register Programme
GS1 - ‘Global Standards One’ Globally Unique Barcode compliancy
Applied Registration with Crown Commercial Services for G-Cloud: Digital Marketplace - eSourcing
Portal / eTendering Portal
Benefits & Efficiency
Deliver a state-of-the-art system to meet NHS
Trusts current and future requirements
100% Web Technology - Browser Based
Technology MS ASP.NET SQL Server
Fully Integrated f2 Core System
Web Portal for Medical Equipment Management
Role-based Workflow
Interface Additional Applications
System Development Specified by the users
Structured Format - Data Input
Comprehensive Management Statistics and Reports
ODBC Compliant Database Tools
Risk Management
Bid Planning and Replacement Program
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
NHSLA/CQC/Governance Management Reporting Standards
Audit Trail
PowerBI in Healthcare Sector
Power BI empowers healthcare workers to analyze patient data and share insights, dashboards, and business intelligence reports, especially in an emergency, with others to get a comprehensive picture and provide critical care promptly.
Undoubtedly, Power BI is used for healthcare data visualization and analysis.
Healthcare providers can derive insights required to reduce costs, increase revenue, and improve patient care while adhering to the compliances and regulations by integrating Power BI. Moreover, Power BI can provide healthcare organizations greater visibility into their data and can collect greater insights.